"Power corrupts Power,
Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely"
"Papa are you okie"?? I buzzed him as a heart skipped a beat as soon as I heard of bombs go off in CP.Life is so tricky at times if that’s the correct word to use.Some one sitting in some far distant shady corner of this world suddenly becomes a life changer .
I promised today that I will not miss on telling my loved one's day in and day out that how much I love and respect them. Who knows when you lose the chance. Some very unfortunate people lost that chance today I hope that all those who died a martyr to the dastardly act did not lose on too much things to say to there loved one’s.
Who could have imagined that a stroll in the park would turn out to be a walk up to heaven?
When will we wake up… What are we actually waiting for..What is happening in this country.Are we not becoming another Palestine.Do you know what are we waiting for ..We are waiting for a daughter or son of a famous personality ( Read Politicians) to die in these acts of terrorism . All they know is to send condolences messages from AC rooms and go back to their very same mud slinging manners.
Nobody absolutely nobody cares for the man that lives on the streets..The one’s who crowd your market..Who travel in metros you make..Who fills your vote bank..Nobody gives a damn to the common masses. You die in a bomb blast or you die in saving corrupt ministers(Read 13th December).All your family gets are few condolence messages and maybe a medal or two. But think about that son who lost his father,their only earning member..think about that woman who at 75 years lost his son..think about that widow who after just 2 years of marriage lost her doting husband.Tell me my dear fellow Indians..I must add "So called fellow Indians"..Who the hell of a bureaucrat is wiping tears of these people.Who is giving a shoulder for them to cry..
What has our country come to ..Some bloody terrorist enters the heart of your country , explodes bombs and walks off. And all we hear are some messages of faith and trust on the news from those corrupt politicians .Tell me my dear minister whom should I trust ..someone who brandishes bundles of notes in the assembly.Kashmir is like a game for all of you,you like to use it as trump card in times of need.How many of my dear readers think that India is actually planning to sort this problem of Kashmir in the near future.I must disappoint you at this stage if you think so.All that the famous political gurus of this country are in no mood to solve it at all...Why would be an obvious question ..Simple when there is no problem in Kashmir what would give the so called secular forces in this country something to debate and comment upon to fill in their vote banks.60 years have passed by thousands of soldiers from both sides have lost their life to a cause that is something like a black hole..Something that we have entered into but there is no way out. As a youth of this country I should find the way out
I may have been lucky to have escaped the direct impact of these blasts in the heart of not just the nation but also in the hearts and minds of the 116 crore of population living in this country . But all of us have to be lucky each and every time.Some of them we not so lucky today .I pay my homage to them..I too am a culprit doing nothing but just few words. How hard am I trying to “Be the change"
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Be the change !!
Posted by
Sandeep Taterway
3:04 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
Get a life Mr Counterfort
Once upon a time there lived a man who was as primitive as the carbon rock found in the heart of the Indus valley Civilization . All he knew was to study study and do some more study . He didn’t bother whether his pupils were eating banana pie at the front benches or whether some creature was moving in a Brownian motion. All he cared for is that his class happens
“As such” if you come across this man you are bound to accept two facts ..First,which all acknowledge, is the fact that he is brilliantly gifted. However his gift of brilliance is exceedingly overshadowed by the other brilliance he possesses. His brilliant gift of being so brilliantly boring. Well I just sounded like him…Immensely confusing.
An excerpt from a recent conversion
“As such on the previous Monday due to some strange reason you people did not attend the drawing class and hence it stands shifted on the Friday at 2pm. As such since your class at 10:20am on Friday is cancelled due to the absence of the professor , the other faculty members(Read Mr Counterfort ) are accountable for the presence of all the students hence I shall take the class at 10:20 am as well. Now since my class is at 11:15am and mind you ..(another one coming ) ..You have bunked your tutorial class on last to last Wednesday so I shall take an extra class at 12:10 pm on Friday.”
Today the attendance before the first internal assessment was supposed to be announced . For a change nobody was even interested in hearing where they stand in Mr.Counterfort’s paper. Reason :”First time ever has a Prof. taken 44 classes in just over a month’s period. Perhaps 1st time in history of NIT . Now tell me who is accountable for this torture of 6 Drawing Class + 26 lectures.
However to every problem there is solution . First the solution for this Friday was to be found out. Simple first half of the day belongs to the students. Enjoyed my day lazing around. Some found time to get a hair cut, others to post letters or maybe get over the last night’s hangover etc etc.
See there is always a solution. The trick is to make Mr Counterfort lose count of the number of classes lost to Mass Bunks , Company Visits so on and so forth.
One fine day I decided to take an extremely dangerous step. To walk into the hallowed cabin of this man for a simple work which in terms of mere mortals we call it “Printout”. What followed was a lecture on MS-Word …on how a color printer works..Why my text alignment is not according to some IS code..Which anti virus should I use ..I promised and advised all…”No never ..Out of bounds”.
Posted by
Sandeep Taterway
7:43 AM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Unchained @ NIT-Civil ----Unleashed part 2 !!!!
Last night I forced myself to take a pit stop else things would have gone a little bit out of proportion in my blog anyways I don’t mind that but however some sort of so called web decorum has to be maintained.
Anyways the problem what the “elite” students from the back benches face is as you might guess problems in studies etc etc blah blah…sorry mate you are absolutely wrong..its not studies that we miss on it’s the targets which being so far in the front seat that they are sometimes missed but ya only sometimes. From caricatures to “tum toh thare pardesi”, from novels to mobile games ,to showing off your photographic skills or showing off your mobile collection to all your fellow mates( What collection??!! Do you think this is the perfect place to disclose what type of collection , I mean how do you utilize your 1Gb memory of your phone ..Ask again our dear friend from the land of Maurya.).Just a few months back our friend was caught playing the so called “transistor” in the class. I thankfully hope that the Prof did not hear what was being played else we were sure to be sent to some “moral policing “ classes.
Anyways apart from these so often heard and so often said stories by zillions of seniors there are some real cool stuff college life has given us. Endless corridor cricket “I just broke a major glass last week “….Bang and within seconds all were lost in the penchant corners of the hostel. I faked watching a movie as the “chachu” looked for culprits all around.
All of you must have given a beautiful name by your respected parents but you are always rechristened as something or the other … I became Sandy …Well others…
How about Lacie, Julie ,Dunlop “Pilla” , “Rock..” , so on and so forth….others are supposedly censored by the governing board…
Well the year is still to go and so are we …. So hold on!!!
Posted by
Sandeep Taterway
10:08 AM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The joy of a paper plane flying across and hitting just prefect “points “and then ducking all over to hide your mimicked face when all around you know who the culprit was, can only be understood and enjoyed by those who belong to the elite group of students who try to hog the limelight and well every other “light “ right from the last bench.
Though none of us are good pilots technically speaking but our acts of zooming jets of chalks virtually whizzing past the noses of those obvious targets or sometime stuck in those not so straight hair would give any damn 8 digit earning Pilot a run for his money. Do you feel guilty at times doing this .Nopes ,they deserve it.
I have no regards for anyone who changes love interests at the drop of a hat rather at the availability of maggi plates. Perhaps I am wasting web space writing about this.But anyways our entire engineering degree was a culmination of these short battle grounds and battles fought with missiles and ofcourse all know who the commander was. Before you start pointing fingers towards me. Nopes not me It our dear friend from the land of Maurya.
Stressing more on life in a class is like a myriad hue. The importance of the red beam of laser can only be understood if it is thrown at your face when you are sleeping with your mouth wide open.
I have been a true engineer in my classes I never doubt that and nor should you. I have built so many castles and dream houses in the air that would put our most “efficient” politicians to shame.
Life moves on but these days of college will be cherished by the “targets” we hit and ofcourse by those which we miss.
A dear friend of mine wrote about how rapidly things take a turn and you don’t know when the “interest” you thought you were walking along with is far gone to maybe a better company.Caution !!!
Posted by
Sandeep Taterway
9:48 AM
Friday, September 5, 2008
With sincere apologies to Sir Rudyard Kipling
Are losing theirs and wanting to topple you,
If you can cheat your people when all men trust you
And also make space for your babus too,
If you can steal and not be tired of stealing,
Or being garlanded around, don't serve the country,
Or being coaxed , don't give way to hearing,
And yet don't look into matters, nor talk about development:
If you can fraud --and make criminals your guard,
If you can scam--and never get caught;
If you can lick the CM’s feet each day
And treat the peasants with disdain;
If you can bear to attend parties each day
And yet manage to watch thousands go hungry,
Or watch the lepers out in the winters each night,
And stand atop a hill and drink Blender’s Pride:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And know that it will be taller than any Don Bradman’s innings,
And lose not a penny to a noble cause
And never breath a word about your wife’s gloss;
If you can force your officers
To serve your cause even at bars,
And so hold on to the office when there is nothing in your brain
Except the lust which says to you: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and make false promises,
Or walk with dignitaries—and lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can meet you;
If all women are afraid of you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of money stolen,
Yours is the India and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a MP, my Minister!
Posted by
Sandeep Taterway
11:20 AM
Two pints to trouble
Before coming to National Institute of Technology my knowledge of the two “pints” was restricted to some weird knowledge books. Times have changed and so have some definitions what was pentanol earlier now is replaced by VAT69.
The ratio as somebody said last night varies from person to person it ranges from 1:4 to at times in extreme cases to 1:16 …If you are still bewildered by what these ratios mean…just imagine this because I am sure that no matter where you are and which clubs you hang out these ratios always stand valid .The ratio stands for the amount you gulp in to the amount you pretend to gulp in .Teetotaler like me find a quite amazing place in the heart’s of hard core drinkers … Exclamations like “ tu toh mera bhai hai “”sandy tu sabse mast banda hai
“..exclamations and claims like these are quite common but I must say I really love all my beer guzzling and well everthing else guzzling friends..The true honest self comes to the fore..good or bad that’s a different thing …The teetotaler is definitely in for a grand treat if you plan to visit a bar with your friends ..you can always enjoy the so called chakhna and ya not to miss the never ending flow of juices and mocktails.
Though I might be sounding as if I am advocating drinking but I am not.The health hazard,the public nuisance , wastage of enormous money etc etc are all nothing but true. Beside those cute exclamations by friends there are those around me as well who after drinking behave in a way that would put a mad dog to shame. The funny part is that some people take the wine-way to manly hood. Gulp down three pegs and I am the man types ..they will call their ex-girlfriends …latest crushes…. Flames …. Enemies …bang of hostel door ..kick some asses..do any and every thing that they can’t do when in senses… Wine way to manly hood.. Such losers.. Anyways Bon drinks to all but be responsible because nobody wants to regret his last drink…
Posted by
Sandeep Taterway
9:55 AM
Monday, September 1, 2008
Imagineering a False hope
I fail to interpret at this moment what should I exactly feel .the feeling of someone leaving is like an excruciating pain. the farther the people go the difficult it becomes…
Imagine this and feel the agonizing pain .For an engineer the most proud day of his life could be when he shoots down a job at campus but tell me what should I be happy about because when you turn around to thank the numerous people who have had a significant role in this you find that not all are there to see this day of your life . I lost the teacher whom I respected the most and from whom I learnt virtually everything I know about this “funny language”.
Next when I wanted to thank the person who had the influence in whatever spiritualism I have and the one whom I could say the purest soul my nanaji is too gone forever.
Life and death are such an inseparable cycle that no matter what you do at the fag end of it this is something that will really round you up.
I told someone that I believe in living in the present and when that someone tries to snatch away that present from me tell me how helpless I become. Sometimes it really not easy to be me but at the same time I feel that all that I am feeling today must have been felt by each and every individual that has ever resided on this planet.
How does it feel to be stuck at the cross road when just every thing that’s passing by seems like a haze .All the fast moving cars and the honking of trams nothing but a maze of confused thoughts. Its really difficult out here at the crossroad when you know that one wrong decision and everything that you have worked and fought for can be lost. I am thus at this moment standing at this very time at a place where I am not only confused but also skeptical and afraid .This cross road can very well decide my happiness in life .I don’t want to lose someone whom I have worshipped so honestly .
Well the other thoughts too haunt me ,am I a really bad chap with loads of messed up stuff on his head and what I am getting today in nothing but God’s payback time and what more this is my destiny,my future.
I once felt that once done with my degree I would be finally free from the shackles of living alone but alas things too longed for become their own graves. Are the lonely days ready to be extended by three more years…What three more years …. Well at this stage I would just pray and hope that nothing but just three more years if it happens ..Who knows what I fear for three years might just extend to a life time. Well only time and faith can tell..
Life has its funny ways ..What could have been the most beautiful month of my life turned sour and nothing absolutely nothing went right ..Well the placement was just an aberration …. So will I ever get to rejoice …Well that’s a funny question ..All an all I am just trying to be a better man ...
Posted by
Sandeep Taterway
8:34 AM